Latihan Soal Materi Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris

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Pada dasarnya kalimat dapat berbentuk dalam kalimat aktif yang subyeknya melakukan pekerjaan atau kalimat pasif yang subyeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan. Untuk lebih memudahkan pemahaman perubahan bentuk kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, berikut kami berikan contoh secara ringkas dan jelas dari berbagai bentuk tenses yang ada.
Pada dasarnya kalimat dapat berbentuk dalam kalimat aktif yang subyeknya melakukan pekerja Latihan Soal Materi Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris

Tense                                                  Active                                                           Passive

Present tense               The man repairs the motorcycle                  The motorcycle is repaired

Present Continuous     The man is repairing the repairing              The motorcycle is being repaired
Present perfect tense   The man has repaired the motorcycle          The motorcycle has been repaired

Past Tense                    The man repaired the motorcycle               The motorcycle was repaired

Past Continuous tense  The man was repairing the motorcycle      The motorcycle was being repaired
Past Perfect Tense        The man had repaired the motorcycle        The motorcycle had been repaired 

Future Tense                The man will repair the motorcycle           The motorcycle will be repaired

Dari contoh diatas, bisa kita simpulkan cara untuk membuat kalimat pasif adalah sebagai berikut;
  • Letakkan obyek dari kalimat aktif di awal kalimat pasif ( obyek kalimat aktif menjadi subyek kalimat pasif)
  • Jika dalam kalimat aktif tidak ada auxiliary ( to be), maka tambahkan To Be yang sesuai dengan subyek dalam kalimat pasif tersebut. Dalam hal ini, bentuk TO Be nya harus sesuai dengan bentuk Tense- nya. Berikut penggunaan Be dalam kalimat pasif.
          Present Tense                       Am/is/are
          Past Tense                            Was/ Were
          Continuous                           Being
          Perfect                                  Been
          Modal                                   Be
          Gerund                                 To be   
  • Letakkan kata kerja utama dari kalimat aktif sesudah auxiliary ( to be) dalam bentuk V-3 ( past participle).
  • Gunakan preposition By sesudah kata  kerja utama dalam kalimat pasif. Adapun  penggunaan By dapat dihilangkan apabila maksudnya sudah dimengerti.
  • Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai pembentukan kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, berikut ini akan kami jelaskan pembentukannya.
Pembentukan dari Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense

(Active) Hendra kicks the ball over the fence

(Passive) The ball is kicked over the fence

(Active) He doesn't drink the juice

(Passive) The juice is not drunk

Kalimat pasif dari pola continuous
(Active)  He is polishing the shoes

(Passive) The shoes are being polished

(Active)  Ahmad was writing a letter

(Passive) A letter was being written 

Kalimat Pasif yang menggunakan modal
(Active)  He will paint the wall

(Passive) The wall will be painted

(Active)  The boy can answer the questions

(Passive) The questions can be answered

Kalimat Pasif dalam bentuk Perfect
(Active)  They have finished the job already

(Passive) The job has been finished already

(Active)  They had bought the house before I came here

(Passive) The house had been bought before I came here

Kalimat pasif yang menggunakan modal + perfect
(Active)  She should not have scolded him in public

(Passive) He should nt have been scolded in public

Kalimat pasif dengan bentuk pertanyaan
(Active)  Does he write an article?

(Passive) is an article written?

(Active)  why do they buy the car?

(Passive) Why is the car bought?

Pada pola kalimat pertanyaan dengan bentuk negatif berikut contohnya.

( Active)  Isn’t he washing the car?
(Passive)  Isn’t the car being washed (by him)?
(Passive)  Is the car not being washed ( by him)?

(Active)  Why don’t they take the box?

(Passive)  Why isn’t the box taken ( by them)?
(Passive)  Why is the box not be taken?

Kalimat pasif yang menggunakan impersonal it.
Impersonal it digunakan untuk membuat kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif yang menggunakan subyek berupa : people, everybody dan everyone yang diikuti oleh that clause
(Active)  People say that number thirteen is unlucky.

(Passive)  It is said that number thirteen is unlucky.

(Active)  Everyone knows that he is a kind man.

(Passive)  It is known that he is a kind man.
Beberapa kata kerja yang termasuk dalam bentuk ini adalah consider, know, think believe, say, find, report, acknowledge, dsb.
Bentuk kalimat pasif dari Gerund
Gerund yang diletakkan setelah kata kerja : need, require, want, mengandung arti pasif.
(Active)  The flowers need watering.

(Passive)  The garden needs to be watered

(Active)  The pants want mending
(Passive)  The pants want to be mended

Dan berikut latihan soal materi Passive Voice yang bisa dikerjakan unuk lebih mendalami pemahaman anda. Ada dua puluh soal yang bisa dikerjakan, hanya tinggal klik pada pilihan jawaban yang benar. Skor dan kunci jawaban akan tersedia pada akhir soal setelah menyelesaikan semuanya.

Langsung saja, berikut latihannya, 

1. Much of the carnage of elephants, giraffes, and big cats ____ uncaring hunters.
must commit by
must have committed by
must be committed
must have been committed by

2. Mr. Bram is much better after his illness but he's still ____ any heavy work.
supposed not to do
not supposed to do
supposed to do
supposed doing

3. While I am on vacation, the pets ____ every morning and evening.
are feeding
should be fed
should feed

4. The horses _____ out now because they have been rode for the past few hours.
can take
can't take
can't be taken

5. " Why does the baby next door keep crying?"
"As usual, It ____ by the baby sitter."
is neglecting
is neglected
is to neglect

6. I am still waiting ____ for an interview.
be called
be calling
to be called

7. Komodos ____ to be descendant from dinosaurs.
they believe
to be believed
are believed

8. After the house _____, it didn't look haunted anymore.
had been renovated
was being renovated

9. It ____ by a presidential aide that a lawyer from Virginia has been named attorney general.
is announcing
is being announced

10. The travelers continued their cross-country trip after the old radiator ____ .
had replaced
had been replaced
had been replacing

11. We called committee to ask whether the competition ____ to begin that afternoon.
was scheduled
to be scheduled
to schedule

12. At the moment the old building _____ to make space in parking lot.
being demolished
are being demolished

13. The mosque _____ in 1870.
been built
was built
has been built

14. "I want the blue dress displayed in the window yesterday."
" I am sorry, It _____ .
has sold
has to sell
has been sold
has been selling

15. Can we get tickets for the second show of 'Aquaman'?".
"I think they ____ ."
are sold out
be sold out
are to be sold out

16. "Last night someone broke into our house.
" Oh dear! _____ ?"
did anything take
was anything being taken
was anything taken
is anything taken

17. Because of the heavy rains, the city _____ for several days.
is flooded
has been flooded
was flooded

18. "Did anyone clean the windows?".
"No, they ____ but they weren't."
are cleaned
should have cleaned
should have been cleaned

19. "Was there any trouble at the demonstration?".
"Yes. About 30 people ____ ."
was arrested
were arrested
be arrested

20. "Where's my bicycle?It's gone!"
"It _____ ."
has been stolen
is stealing
was being stolen
had been stolen
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